This is Sunday. The reason we went to Florida at all. Flemington Baptist (our old church in Micanopy) was celebrating 125 years.. It's weird to think that we were there over 10 years ago! Going back to visit is pretty weird, because as far as I can tell, the church hasn't changed a bit (even the paper towel holder is the same as it was). Returning to an old church could be a very awkward thing if you left mad. It could be sad if the place was altogether different. But today was nice. It's tough though, for me. I was a 2 and 3 while we were there, so I remember very little. I feel so awful when the very commonly asked question "do you remember me?" or "do you remember the time when...? (fill in the blank)" My mind searches through the three year old memories. Sometimes I have to answer with the brutal honesty. But I feel like a champion when I remember the person or the time when (...). There are some that we've kept in contact with, so it is really good to see them. I have one thing to say about the people of Flemington; they are ultra sweet.

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